Saturday, May 29, 2010

Stop thinking another "superior" product

Stop thinking another "superior" product

Superior = Big features, Big complexity, Big plan, Big cost to company, Big delay, Big bug list, the bigbig of all big things that negatively impact on business

Having superior product is not the only essential thing, nor does it guarantee market success

Superior Product thinking adds to big costs only

Better quality, more feature is quality axiom.

The Quality Axiom often fails to #1 market share

Thinking a product simple enough to do better market success?

Expected that,
Superior = delivers value to customer, easy to use, intuitive, simple enough, flexible, sticky!

What customer is saying? than your competition?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Coding is like knitting

Coding is like knitting,
you can not repair 
without starting it all over

Same for Design of Systems